Did Distracted Driving Cause Your Accident?

Did Distracted Driving Cause Your Accident?

While some technologies have improved the driving experience (such as GPS), they can also distract drivers from paying attention to the road. 

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured due to distracted driving, request a consultation with one of our Grand Rapids, MI car accident lawyers as soon as possible. Our auto accident attorneys will do everything in their power to prove that the other driver’s negligence was caused by distracted driving.

What distractions cause car accidents?

In the United States, distracted drivers are responsible for causing 9 deaths and injuring 1,000 people each day. Here are the most common distractions that lead to car accidents

  • Texting or talking on cellphone
  • Eating or drinking
  • Adjusting audio
  • Adjusting climate controls
  • Passengers
  • People, objects, or events outside the vehicle (i.e. car accident)

What do I do after a distracted driving accident?

If you’ve been in an accident, it’s important not to panic. Taking the following steps will ensure that you’re able to maximize your chance of receiving justice. 

  1. Call 911. A police report is one of the most important pieces of evidence for your case. Emergency dispatch may also send an ambulance if you, passengers, or the other driver needs emergency care.
  2. Take photos of the scene, including vehicles involved.
  3. Write down license plates.
  4. Write down witness names and contact information.
  5. See a doctor to document car accident injuries, even if you perceive them as minor.
  6. Request a consultation with one of our car accident attorneys if you’re seriously injured and interested in filing a third-party claim.

READ MORE: Why You Need to File a Police Report after a Car Accident >>

What damages can I receive after a distracted driving accident?

Michigan is a “no-fault” state, which means you must first turn to your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other economic damages up to the limits of your policy. If you wish to file a third-party claim against the negligent driver, you’ll need to prove that your car accident injuries are “serious” as defined by state law.

Our car accident lawyers can help you step outside the no-fault system to hold the negligent driver responsible for your injuries. A third-party claim is different from filing a claim with your own auto insurance because you’ll be able to collect non-economic damages, such as those for pain and suffering.

“Serious” car accident injuries as defined by Michigan state law include:

  • Broken bone(s)
  • Significant disfigurement
  • Severely limited use of a body organ or member
  • Severely limited use of a body function or system
  • Full disability for 90 days

How can a car accident attorney help?

We have experience helping clients receive the compensation they deserve after distracted driving accidents. Laws concerning auto insurance and personal injury can be confusing, which is why it’s helpful to have one of our auto accident attorneys on your side. During your consultation, we’ll be able to evaluate your case to determine your next steps.

We can help you prove that the distracted driving accident was caused by the other driver’s negligence. However, it’s important to remember that Michigan is a comparative negligence state. 

Comparative negligence means that your compensation will be reduced by the percentage you’re found responsible for causing the distracted driving accident. For example, damages worth $100,000 may be reduced to $80,000 if you’re found 20% responsible for causing the distracted driving accident.

Call Our Office Today!

Our car accident attorneys in Grand Rapids, MI are ready to help you get the best outcome for your case. To request a consultation with one of our car accident lawyers, call Beurkens Law at (616) 459-5344.

This blog post has been updated.

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